Tuesday, November 6, 2007


"How would feel about this: Tracking chips in kids' school clothing so that school officials can know their whereabouts during the school day?"

Well, here's an article that shows how a secondary school in England is doing just that! I personally find this a fascinating topic! What are we saying? Can we trust our students? and just because we know where they are do we know what they are doing? I agree David Clouter-- Leave Them Kids Alone! By implanting these types of devices we are, in fact treating our children like criminals-- please stop!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Whyville.net Attracts Kids, Money. This is a very intersting article about the phemomon of virtual communites for kids. "In educational circles, Whyville's private universe is known as a multiuser virtual environment, or MUVE, a genre of software games created to inspire children to learn about math and science, among other subjects. Unlike most game software and social networks, which elicit negative associations for some parents and teachers, MUVEs are structured environments with rules for behavior, yet no pat formula for action. Designed to provide problems to solve that don't involve slaying monsters, MUVEs compel kids to figure out the issues to succeed in the environments or have time to socialize.

Worth checking out!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

My new favorite tool is Screencast-o-matic

Technology is changing everyday, and everyday there are such great new web2.0 tools-- I am a BIG fan! These tools make our jobs easier and don't require fancy-dancy expensive software--

My new favorite is screencast-o-matic!!! What a great find (thanks to Alan November!) I am going to show you a "screencast" on how easy it is to make a screen cast-- say goodbye Captivate..Hello freeeeeeeeeeeeeee web2.0 tool!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

E-mail generally increases the likelihood of conflict and miscommunication..Oh No!

I was not too surprised to see this article in the New York Times Sunday talking about the effects of email in the workplace.

The article states "New findings have uncovered a design flaw at the interface where the brain encounters a computer screen: there are no online channels for the multiple signals the brain uses to calibrate emotions."

"When we talk, my brain’s social radar picks up that hint of stridency in your voice and automatically lowers my own tone of exasperation, all in the service of working things out. But when we send e-mail, there’s little to nothing by way of emotional valence to pick up. E-mail lacks those channels for the implicit meta-messages that, in a conversation, provide its positive or negative spin."

This is nothing new or too surprising-- I guess in the workplace we just have to learn how to not read too deeply into emails and remember, words don't carry emotion.

I think Shirky put it best when he said “social software” like e-mail “is not better than face-to-face contact; it’s only better than nothing.”

Monday, October 8, 2007

K12 Conference

ALthough many of you reading this probably already know-- the K-12 technology online conference is up and running. I just wanted to take a moment and espress my enthuasiom and excitement for this type of conference. I have had some time to peruse the site, and look forward to many of the upcoming sessions. When I think of the way things have changed in the past 3 years, it really makes me think about upcoming changes. Who whould have thought "virutal conferencing?" I wonder..what's in store!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Web 2.0-- Keeping up!

With the advent of Web 2.0, as educational technologist we all find ourselves a bit overwhelmed and wondering how to keep up with the new technologies--and I mean new! New web 2.0 technologies are appearing daily-- and I am lucky enough to have found a solution on keeping up!

When ever I have 5 or 10 extra minutes ( hardly!) I visit the site---


Have a look-- you will find all the new cool web 2.0 tools at your fingertips!

Wow-- what a find-- add it to your delicious--quick!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Google has done it again!

I don't know about you--but I am always getting lost! So, I am so happy to find out about this new service offered by google called Google Mobile!

Thanks Google-- it will be on my speed dial first thing....in the morning!
