Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Leadership and Technology

I am writing this blog entry for several reasons, some personal, and some just because I am committed to making a post a week. It is my hope that I become a technology resource.

In our team meeting yesterday we received a book title: "You don't need a title to be a Leader." by Mark Sanborn. Unfortunately, I had way to much time on the R train, but fortunately I had this book. At first I didn't know what to expect. However, as it turns out the book has really taught me some valuable lessons about leadership. I have been personally struggling with the idea of "having a title", and after reading this book, I now understand that it's the little things we do and the lives that we touch daily--and I can say, as an instructional technologist I think I have made that difference, but I was never aware of it.

So, this entry serves as my personal refection and commitment. I am committed to having a good year, I am committed to helping others learn about how to infuse technology into the curriculum. I am committed to working passionately because I believe I can continue to make a difference in the lives of both students and teachers!

I just want to thank Troy for providing us with this book, and allowing me to have this personal insight. If any other Instructional Technology Specialists are reading this blog, and have read the book-- tell me-- are you inspired too?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.